Keeping it Real

Like many adults, I have trouble remembering a time in school when I felt really engaged…
Into the World of Projects

This year I fell in love with project-based learning. I am new to this world and I jumped…
Going Socratic

The first Socratic seminar I ran went badly—very badly. Students were either dead silent…
An Article of Faith

Four years ago I decided to leave my job as a designer and brand manager to get…
Blossoms From Compost: Lessons From a Messy Garden

Gardening is whole-body learning, offering rich, multi-sensory, direct personal experience…
Outside the Lens

“This exhibit shows you what we love about ourselves. We are all unique and have different…
Echoes & Reflections

Jill, the principal, was standing by the front desk at Explorer Elementary. She was petite…
The Long Road: (Re)Segregation in America

Gary Orfield co-founded the Harvard Civil Rights Project and is currently Co-Director of…
Lila Speaks

As of yesterday, it had been 13 weeks, or 55 school days, since school started. Yet it was…
Exhibition Blues

In a shadow puppet play, the audience sees only shadows on a screen while the puppeteer’s…